Views of the Earth

artificial images of our real planet
The Andaman Islands The Tsangpo Gorge Namcha Barwa and Gyala Peri The Eastern Himalaya 2 Yigong Tsangpo and Palung Tsangpo The Himalaya in Nepal The Himalaya The Indus River 1 The Indus River 2 The Nanga Parbat The Deosai Plains The Kali Gandaki Gorge The Khunjerab Pass The Karakoram from south The western Karakoram Mountains The K2 The Kashmir Valley from the east The Kashmir Valley from the south From Ladakh towards the Karakoram Mountains Ladakh and the upper Indus river The Pamir Plateau Kanyakumari/Cape Comorin The south end of India The Wakhan Corridor Lake Manasarovar and Rakshastal Poon Hill panorama Mustang The Kali Gandaki Gorge from north Karakoram
India location map

Map based image search - India

Click on the map to zoom into a certain region.

The view locations are marked on the map with dots - red for normal perspective views, magenta for panoramas. The blue sectors indicate the view direction, angle and distance - large sectors indicate high altitude views, small sectors closeups. Click on the dots to see the images.

Map Style: Visible Topography
Design and Content Copyright 2023 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:38