Views of the Earth

artificial images of our real planet
Mount Ararat The Bosporus Mount Damavand Alborz Mountains The Ethiopian Rift Valley The Strait of Hormuz The Strait of Hormuz 2 The Musandam Peninsula Southern Yemen 1 Southern Yemen 2 Southern Yemen 3 The Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea The eastern Mediterranean Sea Closeup view of Mount Damavand The Central Alborz Mountains The Takht-e Soleyman Massif Northern Iran Northern Oman The Jabal Akhdar Mountains The Sinai Peninsula The Wadi Araba The Suez Canal The Sinai from East Caucasus Mountains The Zagros Mountains Zard-Kuh The Zagros Mountains from east The Southern Zagros Mountains 2
Middle East location map

Map based image search - Middle East

Click on the map to zoom into a certain region.

The view locations are marked on the map with dots - red for normal perspective views, magenta for panoramas. The blue sectors indicate the view direction, angle and distance - large sectors indicate high altitude views, small sectors closeups. Click on the dots to see the images.

Map Style: Visible Topography
Design and Content Copyright 2023 by Christoph Hormann
last updated Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:38