Views of the Earth

artificial images of our real planet
East Africa panorama location map

East Africa panorama

From above Lake Victoria this panorama shows East Africa with the Mountains and Lakes of the Great African Rift Valley.

View: East Africa panorama
Location: Lon 33°
Lat -1.4°
Altitude: 89 km
Camera Angle: 36°
User Rating: -
Location Map:    Visible Topography
East Africa panorama location map
East Africa panorama

Visitor comments:

by Steve from United States posted on Wed Sep 30 2009 09:02:20
I have taken 10 trips to this region and driven and explored almost all the land in this wonderful image - and it still leaves me speechless. This region is a world resource. Thanks for the view.
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last updated Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:38