Views of the Earth

artificial images of our real planet
The Sinai Peninsula location map

The Sinai Peninsula

The Sinai Peninsula can be found at the northern end of the red sea between the Gulf of Suez (left) and the Gulf of Aqaba (right) - the latter pointing towards the Dead Sea depression further north. The Sinai is of major importance in Jewish and Christian mythology.

View: The Sinai Peninsula
Location: Lon 33.938°
Lat 26.619°
Altitude: 51.863 km
Camera Angle: 43°
User Rating: 2.4
Location Map:    Visible Topography
The Sinai Peninsula location map
The Sinai Peninsula

Related Views:

The Wadi Araba
The Suez Canal
The Sinai from East
The Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea

Visitor comments:

by MAHMOUD from Egypt posted on Sat Nov 12 2011 20:42:14
Bright Sinai
by iamdorian from United States posted on Tue Aug 24 2010 09:08:13
Nice view of the Sinai. On the right we're looking right up the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), past the Dead Sea along the Jordan Rift Valley.\\r\\n\\r\\n3D renderings like this one are an incredible asset as true aerial or satellite photography would simply not allow such a long clear view of the Earth. The topography of the area can be viewed as in no other way.\\r\\n\\r\\nMy lighting things a bit harshly the true 3-dimensional perspective is gained. Softer lighting would make features more difficult to analyze.\\r\\n\\r\\nGreat job, an a nice clean website. A real asset on the Internet.\\r\\n\\r\\n :::tipping hat:::\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nThanks . . . Dorian
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last updated Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:38